Hi, we’re Practically Witchy.

Practically Witchy is a concept that embraces the diverse ways we can incorporate practical magic into our daily lives. It’s about finding magic in the everyday, whether through rituals, mindfulness, or connecting with nature.

We're an ordinary family with a love for magic, creativity, and history. Daniela, the shopkeeper, has a fervor for crafting enchantments.

Here, you will discover insights, ideas, and inspiration to infuse enchantment into your life! Explore a selection of unique and occasionally witchy gifts. We also aim to honor the legacy of the old general store that served this community for over a century, offering a touch of nostalgia.

Old World Gift Shop

An old world gift shop nestled in the original Huffs Church General Store offering unique products.

Family standing in front of original Huffs Church General store

There's a little witch in all of us


There's a little witch in all of us ...